Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Salacious and Flaming Creations

Have you heard of the Bear and Bird Gallery's Stitch Wars Strikes Back? I was honored to be invited to contribute to this year's show, opening August 12th in Lauderhill, Florida. 

See what I made? Jabba's annoying maniacally laughing little court jester, Salacious Crumb!

While he may not be the most BEAUTIFUL thing to look at, I think he's kinda cute. He is fun to play with, for sure, since his limbs, tail, and ears are all poseable. Wanna know how I did that? Check out my past tutorial. This time I used 12 gauge wire because he's HUGE! I construct everything, then feed the wire through one arm, through the body, and into the other arm; same with the legs.

Tomorrow he's off to Florida (sniff sniff). My little boys are sad about that! But go see him if you're able to. The show should be awesome!

Aren't I lucky?? Salacious Crumb isn't the only one of my creations that will be in a gallery! This week at Comic-Con, in San Diego, the amazing Team Coco and TBS are hosting a Flaming C exhibit and I was asked to add my crocheted Flaming C to the Coco MoCA (Museum of Conan Art)!

Since I had already given away my original Flaming C, I made another, and I liked this one even better! On the original, poor C didn't have his Blackberry. This time, there it is, ready for Flaming C to answer very important calls for help. So will you be in San Diego for Comic-Con? Go see my Flaming C and the rest of the amazing artwork in the gallery!

How about that? Being crafty IS cool, and sometimes craft=art!


  1. Awesome crochets! I used your 'monster creature' tutorial for crocheting! It was very helpful - Blogged about it here :

  2. omg! love! LOVE! Oh teach me your wicked ways! :)

  3. Yay--great link Papershell! Thanks guys :)

  4. I can't stop looking at these pictures!! He's a creature creation that is too awesome for words. I'm happy Salacious will be in a gallery, because he is definitely a work of art.

  5. What great characters and sweet scenes you make. So glad I found your blog today! :-)

  6. Love Salacious Crumb! Do you sell the pattern? :)

  7. Would you consider selling the pattern, please!! My son LOVES him

  8. PLZ Sell the pattern. Love it!

  9. Hey. Thanks for posting! I used your photos as a reference and made my own version of him for my StarWars loving friend. It was a really fun project. You're airbrushing is great. That's beyond my skill set.

  10. Can I possibly get this pattern? My grandson is OBSESSED with Salacious Crumb!!!

  11. Knitted toys are a whimsical celebration of creativity and craftsmanship. Their charming designs and soft textures not only captivate the eyes but also warm the heart. Each stitch tells a story of love and dedication, making them more than just toys—they are tiny, huggable works of art. The attention to detail and the unique, handmade touch make knitted toys a delightful addition to any collection, bringing joy and a touch of nostalgia to both young and old.

  12. Hey Crafty Community, I stumbled upon a fantastic tool that I believe could elevate our creative endeavors! If you're like me, always on the lookout for innovative resources, check out this incredible Background Remover at It's a game-changer for crafting and design. Imagine the possibilities for our flaming and salacious creations from the past. This tool provides an easy way to enhance and experiment with your art. Let's embrace new tools together and take our creations to the next level! Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with this tool or any other exciting finds. Looking forward to seeing the amazing transformations within our crafty community!

  13. Since I had already given away my original Flaming C, I made another, and I liked this one even better! On the original, poor C didn't have his Blackberry. This time, there it is, ready for Flaming C to answer very important calls for help. So will you be in San Diego for Comic-Con? Go see my Flaming C and the rest of the amazing artwork in the gallery!


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