Friday, December 28, 2012

Doctor Who Collection Completion!

So after months of preparation and weeks and weeks of work, I finally finished the set of Doctor Who dolls and Tardis I was commissioned to make! I really truly enjoyed making these guys and I swear, I almost teared up when I packed them all up and shipped them to Washington state. There is a lucky husband out there with a wife who loves him (and Doctor Who) a lot!

I posted before about the previous doctors I've finished, but I'll go ahead and show them all in order and then show off the massive Tardis they can fit inside!

First Doctor, 1963-66, William Hartnell 

Second Doctor, 1966-69, Patrick Troughton

Third Doctor, 1970-74, Jon Pertwee

Fourth Doctor, 1974-81, Tom Baker

Fifth Doctor, 1981-84, Peter Davison

Sixth Doctor, 1984-86, Colin Baker

Seventh Doctor, 1987-89, Sylvester McCoy

Eighth Doctor, 1996, Paul McGann

Ninth Doctor, 2005, Christopher Eccleston

Tenth Doctor, 2005-2010, David Tennant

Eleventh Doctor, 2010-present, Matt Smith

Tardis and Tenth Doctor

Eleven Doctors and the Tardis

Fourth Doctor and the Tardis

Eleven Doctors and the Tardis

Tenth Doctor and his sonic screwdriver with the Tardis

What do you think? I LOVED MAKING THEM! Yes! I did! It was a ton of work, but gee, they were fun. So guess what? The patterns will be released in January and right now you can preorder all 12 patterns as a set in my Etsy shop!  CLICK HERE!


  1. OMG those are incredible! I am speechless!

    1. You are amazing. Do you have a video tutorial??? I wish I can make at least one.

  2. You are fantastic and I cannot wait to receive the patterns and get started!!!

  3. These are amazing. You are so talented!

  4. OMG this is amazing !! I love them <3

  5. Wow. It is so cool to see all of these in one place together. And I spent a long time looking at all the subtle variations in head shape and facial expressions among the different Doctors. It's really amazing how well you captured the spirit of each man in just a few deft eyebrow/smile lines. You're so talented, Allison. I just love seeing all the wonderful things you come up with!

  6. You are a Crochet Goddess!


  8. Oh my god you are amazing! You are incredibly talented!

  9. I was born the year Dr Who was first aired. It is generational in our family. Mum watches it, I do and my 31 yo son does, too! You have done an absolutely magnificent job with ALL the Doctors!

  10. I found your site quite by accident today and I must say that I am so in AWE of your talent! I am not really a Dr. Who fan but these dolls really make me want to be! WOW....just WOW!

  11. Truly amazing work. You are very gifted with your hook.

  12. These are truly wonderful! The mind boggles at how much work you put into them but the result is stunning. As a crafter and Dr. Who fan, I salute you!

  13. Oh, they're beautiful!!!!! I would never ever be able to depart from them, if it were me... I have a question though... Actually, two! First: what yarn did you use for David Tennant/Tenth doctor's hair? Because it is perfect! And will there be loose patterns for the doctors, or maybe a 9-10-11 pack, since they are the new series? A lot of us don't know the old series, so I think that will get you a lot of customers, since it's quite pricey to buy the whole pack...

    1. I wondered the same thing about David Tennant's hair. It is perfect.

  14. Absolutely amazing!! You are very talented indeed, well done with this huge piece of work!

  15. That's a spectacular job. It was a challenge to capture each one with a crochet hook and you did it so well.

  16. Oh my gosh, you are amazing!!! My husband and I started watching through all of the old Dr. Who series a few weeks ago :)You did such an awesome job-- incredible!!!

  17. These are fabulous! They look just llike the actors. Well done you!!

  18. Unbelievable. My hat is definitely off to you!!

  19. These are great, would you consider designing a few newer main characters for another companion set of patterns? Aka: Rose, Martha, Amy and Rory, River

    1. That is a real possibility! The woman who purchased these is thinking of another gift... ;)

  20. This really made me smile. You are very clever. They are all so recognisable. Fantastic.

  21. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I have tears of laughter from the cute!

  22. Fantastic,beautiful,wonderful and WOW...

  23. Outstanding! LOVE the big grin on the Tom Baker doll. :-D

    CQ, Berlin, NJ

  24. are these directions for crocheting or knitting??

  25. I am lost for words here - YOU SERIOUSLY ROCK! Your Doctors look so much like their flesh and blood counterparts, that's amazing. And the TARDIS is co cool! :-)


  26. Wow - what an incredible project!

  27. Nice, what talent! They are amazing!

  28. Good gravy, lady, those are AMAZING! Well done. You're an artist.

  29. these are absolutely stunning! so great!

  30. Exquisite. Really quite something. Kudos!

  31. LOVE LOVE LOVE them! So amazing!

  32. They are amazing, I've just fallen in love with, they are incredibly accurate ! I'd love to have your talent.

  33. They're perfect! Thanks for sharing.

  34. I love your crochet style, these doctors are fantastic. My favourite is the 10th doctor, I really love what you did with his hair.

  35. If you had the set premade you could sell them to Dr Who fans like myself for huge bucks. If I had the spare income I would easily pay $500 for the complete set at least.

  36. How long did it take you to make these???

  37. These are so amazing! Just like everyone else has said, they look so realistic. They are by far the best I've seen. Unfortunately, I don't know how to crochet. Is it likely that you might sell the dolls themselves at any point? I would like the 10th doctor (and maybe a TARDIS). These are better than any that I've seen on Etsy - I think if you offered to sell the dolls themselves you would do a good business, for non-crafty types like me.


  39. These are AWESOME! I'd love to get a hold of these pattens.

  40. Is there any way in the future you would be selling the individual patterns? A bit costly for me to buy all at once. I want to make the Tardis and Tennant and Smith for starters. I will just reiterate what everone else has said. You rock!!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, the patterns are all available individually in my shop! Click "SHOP" above and you'll see them all. :D

  41. Are you sure you can't buy the DOLLS? I really want them.

  42. OMG ( I never say that, but this required it). THESE ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. How much would you charge to purchase the whole set (crocheted) - I do not crochet - but would love a set!

  44. These are beautiful! I wish I knew how to crochet so I could make these myself! I was smiling as I scrolled down the page looking at each of the Doctors individually. I love that you've got all of their personalities in the dolls. These are truly amazing! Lovely work! FANTASTIC!

  45. impressive most impressive
    9 is spot on ( course i have a soft spot for 9 because he was the first doctor i watched )
    have you heard yet ?
    11 will be replaced by the twelth doctor next year

  46. Love your work! I'm only a beginner to amigurumi but I am so glad to have found your site early on as it has taught me that amigurumi when done right can be a realistic representation of what it is - not just a rough approximation. Well done!

  47. I am so impressed with your incredible talent. I must have the patterns for the recent doctors to make for my granddaughter, a rabid fan. Will you also be doing the twelfth doctor now he has been identified? Yours are such wonderfully realistic creations, I hope I can do a half-way decent job of making them. Thanks so much.

  48. Would you ever make a full set again for order? I LOVE these, but I can't crochet at all.

  49. OH GOD! THIS IS PERFECTION! Look at two!!! he has the same exact face! so beautiful!

  50. Amazing! They are so adorable. These would make perfect christmas gift for my friend but I think it is already too little time till chirstmas. :D

  51. So if I were to try and get these all premade (like every single doctor plus TARDIS) how much would that cost me and is it possible since i have like 0 skill and 100% need of this set in my life. Like I am fangirling like its the 50th up in here! I'm gonna cry! I WANNA SNUGGLE UP WITH ALL OB DEM LIKE RIGHT NOW!

  52. if u reply reply to this bc i think i forgot to check notify me and I MUST BE NOTIFIED BC THIS IS LIKE A LIFE OR DEATH THING RIGHT NOW I DID NOT KNOW I NEEDED THIS UNTIL NOW!

  53. I don't know you. But I love you. LOVE you!

  54. I can't even imagine how you made the patterns for these! I am up to making a third doll and the Tardis and the amount of work involved is an absolute credit to you! Having so much fun seeing them evolve. Currently doing David Tennant and having a hard time finding the right yarn for his hair....I'll find it. :-)

  55. I just bought the set, and wanted to ask: any plans to add Peter Capaldi and/or John Hurt to the roster?

  56. Why is the set no longer available? :(

    1. It is! There's a new listing on Ravelry and Etsy!

  57. These Doctor Who dolls are absolutely stunning! This is probably a silly question, but are there wires inside the arms and legs to make them posable? It looks like they can be positioned in the photos.

  58. I bought your patterns of the modern doctors and I have no idea how to crochet 11''s blazer. Can you clarify the directions?

  59. These are amazing!
    Are you planning of doing the 12th Doctor - Peter Capaldi as well?

  60. :O :O :O :O OMG!!!! These are absolutely incredible! I LOVE THEM! - Especially the Patrick Troughton one <3
    Your talent knows no bounds!]

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  62. Beautiful work. Could you please design a Missy pattern to sell? Thanks.

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    This season, shine like the star you are in our fabulous selection of **black New Year's Eve dresses**! Perfect for ringing in the new year, these dresses combine elegance and flair for an unforgettable night.
    💃 **Classic Little Black Dress**: The ultimate staple for any festive occasion!
    🎇 **Glittering Sequins**: Dazzle the crowd and sparkle from every angle!
    👗 **Chic Midi & Maxi Options**: Elevate your style with sophisticated lengths.
    🌙 **Trendy Jumpsuits**: Stand out effortlessly while feeling comfortable and chic!
    **Finish your look** with eye-catching accessories and stylish heels to complete your ensemble.
    Don’t wait! Discover your dream **black New Year's Eve dress** today and make a statement as you welcome the new year in style! 🎊🖤


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